Better Than Stock Photos

Improve Healthcare Images with Interactive 3D

Content is increasingly becoming visual-first

It takes compelling written content and impactful visualization to truly engage your audience. Unfortunately, stock photos often fall short when it comes to medical and scientific content. But leaders in health content know there is an alternative— interactive 3D.

Interactive 3D allows consumers to see how the body operates for the first time by demystifying what's happening beneath the skin in a way traditional visualizations like 2D images or video cannot. Interactivity helps people better understand the complicated world of anatomy and disease by providing an active learning experience that improves website engagement. 3D interactive healthcare graphics enhance health content and yield higher time on page better than stock photos.

Interactive content improves user experience

Interactive 3D can give your audience a unique experience that static content cannot. By providing your audience with information they can actively engage with by clicking, moving, and zooming in and out on, you can command and retain their attention while helping them learn and retain information. Research shows that in comparison to traditional content, interactive content generates:


Improving consumer health understanding with the right visualizations

Most consumers seeking health information have limited knowledge about the human body. When they have a question or concern, they’ll often turn to the internet to better understand the issue. Unfortunately, the information they come across is often either too vague or too technical. Instead of coming away informed, they end up frustrated or more confused than when they started. Interactive 3D can help consumers understand the complexities of health and the human body, including specific conditions and treatments.


This increased understanding and knowledge retention is something that was first discovered in the classroom. Multiple studies have shown that including interactive digital 3D content in anatomy courses helps students better understand anatomical structures.

But interactive 3D is no longer just reserved for medical school students. They are now used on leading health websites to help everyday people better understand medical concepts.

One example is The Bump, a website that helps expecting parents better understand the various stages of pregnancy. The 3D models available in their guides, powered by BioDigital, allow users to see the baby's development and changes in the pregnant body.


Leveling up SEO with innovative health images

Among other factors, search engine algorithms consider things like how long a user stays on a page and the click-through rate when determining placement in search results. This means developers have to level up the UX design of websites to maintain a competitive edge.

UX design is a crucial element of modern SEO because it combines the ability to locate information with the convenience of quick and easy website navigation. Simply said, keywords get people to visit a site, while UX design keeps them there. A good website needs both to earn a high ranking.


Interactive health content done right

Interactive 3D helps companies engage consumers, fueling curiosity and improving understanding. Here are some examples of industry leaders currently using BioDigital’s 3D interactive models:

The BioDigital Human: Interactive 3D models for health and wellness

At BioDigital, our interactive 3D models change how people view and understand the human body. Give your audience custom experiences that are perfectly aligned with your message. This precision improves comprehension, while interactions with 3D models help them retain knowledge.

The alternative of creating images in-house is not ideal because design services can get expensive. It can also be difficult to find graphic designers with the scientific knowledge to create accurate, detailed graphics.

Our 3D visualizations provide specific, customizable graphics that engage audiences and enhance overall user experience while maintaining medical accuracy.

A better understanding of the human body for consumers and professionals lowers costs, improves health outcomes, and saves lives. Our customizable virtual body platform includes interactive 3D visualizations that span anatomy, disease, physiology, and treatment.


You want content as innovative as your brand. We can help.

Contact us for a demonstration and to learn more about why leading consumer health companies rely on BioDigital to transform their content strategy.

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